Meet Bishop da Abolitionist
I've been preparing for you...
Hello seekers! This work is deeply personal to me and allows me to combine my training as a healing practitioner through the certified modalities of pastoring, counseling, breath work, coaching, somatic body work and emerging sex doula. I do this work as a proud Black Queer activist. I do this work as a survivor of trauma. I do this work as a justice ministry. And I do this work as the abolitionist I was called to be.
Now come, let me usher you into your liberation.

As a 21st century abolitionist, I endeavor to create a space and experience that is consensual, healing, loving, safe, nurturing, and pleasurable. I believe and assert that liberation and freedom from the constraints of trauma, white supremacy culture, and dogmatic boundaries can come through various forms. This work is open to liberation flowing particularly through community, shared learning, sacred ritual, somatics, connection with the Divine, prayer/meditation, and centering a wholistic approach to life.
The goal is always to liberate, empower, and love.
We will always create space and assign value to the healing that comes from revolutionary joy, laughter, learning, music, orgasmic desire, good food, sex, and love. My work, like my life, is predicated on my connection and belief in the Divine; the flow and leading of the Spirit that speaks within, through, and all around me; complete inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ folx; my love for humanity and the liberation of Black & Brown bodies; the centering of Black womxn; respect for all creation and living beings; veneration and adoration for the ancestral legacy that is deeply rooted in the ethos of community; faithfulness to my own healing and core values; and being a conduit for liberating souls.
"Your body hears everything your mind says."
Naomi Judd
Professionalism & Experience
I am professionally trained, ordained, experienced and certified . I have been helping individuals and couples in various aspects of liberation for over 15 years. The Abolition House Team and I are ready to engage you through the modalities of:
*Spiritualist coaching
* Certified Sex educator/doula/coach/sexologist
*Somatic Body Work
*Retreat hosting
*Workshop Presenting
* Additional Offerings catered to your needs

Services Available
*Experienced life coaching
*Workshop Facilitation (full list upon request)
*Retreats (3, 5, and 7 day small groups retreats)
*Couples and Individual coaching
*Faith-based workshop facilitation
*Pre-marital counseling
*LGBTQIA+ specific couples counseling
*Somatic embodiment services
*Sex doula and Intimacy coaching
*Creating sacred & sacred sexual spaces
*Liberation manifestation sensory wellness
Aletha Fields
Aletha (she/her) is an experienced multi-dimensional healer and rising elder. Aletha is a writer, activist, counselor, and spiritual worker. She specializes in the fields of spiritual counseling, couples coaching, intersectional education, and spiritual root work & healing.

Carla Jones-Brown
Practitioner/ Logistics Manager
Carla (she/her) is a queer spiritual guide, mentor, and gathering convener. Carla concentrates her expertise and years of experience in the areas of individual wholistic spiritual encounters and modalities. She is available for workshops, coaching, counseling, and a range of spiritual services.

Jolyn Carter
Business Management/Bookkeeping
Jolyn (she/her) brings decades of operations oversight and management into the liberated space of Abolition House. Jolyn's fundamental offering is dedicated to maintaining compliance and fiscal accountability within our space of healing.